Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive procedure in which a laser is used to reduce the growth of body hair. It is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures that people undergo to get rid of unwanted hair.

In this procedure, a concentrated beam of light is targeted at the melanin (a type of pigment) in your hair. The light converts into heat and damages the sacks in the hair follicle that produces hair, thus inhibiting or delaying hair growth.


From the corners of the mouth to the nose.


From the corners of the lower lip, two inches under the jaw line. The lower lip is included in the chin.


The axilla.

Full Face

Includes the lip, chin, sides of face & cheeks.


Wrist to fingertips.


Upper & lower legs combined, anterior & posterior surfaces as needed.


 A regular bikini but perhaps it comes down a little further down your leg.

Full Body

Complete Hair Removal from Whole Body.

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Courtpeta, Berhampur - 760004.

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